Thursday 17 May 2012

So it begins

I've never understood a "calling" before. I have always kinda beleived those around me who have said they have heard one. I mean, what else could explain someone joining the Air Force to become a preacher/ doctor/ all around great guy? There had to be some imovable force behind such sacrifice, right? But having never experienced this, I always coloured myself agnostic when it came to these so called "callings". 

But then life happened. I'm watching TV one night waiting for Cllr Husband to get back from his own civic calling and, BAM, like a ton of Universe sized bricks it came. With the weight of a whisper, the heavy handed guidance of calling came into my life and bitch slapped me into beleiving in such things. Into realising a lot of home truths that have somehow manifested themselves in this insane quest.

Eff me with a chainsaw, I am going to climb Mount Kilamanjaro.

Part of this journey has already begun with the work I am currently undertaking with Positive East as a peer support volunteer. And by supporting this mad dash up a mountain, you are ensuring the work we do continues on. You will be helping more and more people learn to live with thier condition, you will be helping to break down the stigma surrounding HIV, you will be making a difference.

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